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pun aici toate comunicarile pe care o sa le primesc de la hosting, privind posibilul downtime.
Incepem cu dreptul
We have to do a software update (Apache2/PHP4) on the server hosting your domain,
and because of this your website will be unavailable the 3 september 2007 for about 10 to 15
minutes, between 10h and 12h.
draguti schwitzerii, ne trec de la 16mb la 48mb.
Doar nu s-or referi la ram
As we announced recently, we'll be doing a maintenance operation on 18/09/07, between 6h30
and 7h30, on the server which is hosting your domain so as to allocate more memory
for your scripts (48Mb instead of 16Mb).
This implies an interruption of the web server during approximately 10 minutes; during this time,
your mail will not be affected and will still be 100% operational.
schwitzerii dau chef 10 minute
Dear Customer,
This maintenance will take from 10 to 15 minutes, somewhere between 7h15 and 8h00.
Databases will be unavailable during that time.
Thank you for your understanding,
Infomaniak Network SA
Hosting Team
Dear Customers,
We are about to carry out to two major updates for your web server, on 13/01/2009 between 7h45
and 8h00 :
- Update of Apache 1.1 to Apache 2.2.8
This new version will offer far greater stability for your
web site and will afford even better performance. This
version will only function with PHP5.
- Update of PHP4 to PHP5
This new version contains plenty of new features and
it is absolutely necessary, as the developers of PHP
have stopped support for version 4 (not one single
security correction will be provided any longer)
au gasit ziua de 13 sa faca un upgrade.
Sper ca totul sa decurga lin, in mod normal site-ul ar trebui sa fie compatibil fara probleme. Un mail pe adresa obisnuita daca e ceva in neregula si facem scandal elvetienilor
We have to do a software update (upgrade php 5.2.6 -> php 5.2.8) on the server hosting your
domain, and because of this your website will be unavailable the 24/03/2009 for about
1 to 2 minutes, between 7h45 and 8h00.
An interruption in service occurred on 22/04/2010 between 12h00 and 12h55 which interfered with
the proper functioning of your web site and your mail service. Everything is now functional once
We are sorry for this failure and we assure you that we will do our utmost to avoid this reoccurring
in the future.
With our sincere apologies,
Infomaniak Network SA
Hosting Team
We have to do a software update
on the server hosting your domain, and because of this your website will be
unavailable the 27/04/2010 for about 1 to 2 minutes, between 9h00 and 10h00.
We have to do a software update (upgrade php 5.2.14 -> php 5.2.17) on the server hosting your
domain, and because of this your website will be unavailable the 25/01/2011 for about
1 to 2 minutes, between 09:00 and 09:30.
din pacate suntem pe acelasi provider ca si wikileaks:
Une indisponibilité importante de nos services est survenue aujourd'hui, jeudi 24 février 2011, entre
16h40 environ et 18h00, suivie d'un retour à la normale progressif jusque vers 18h45.
Nos serveurs DNS ont subit une surcharge exceptionnelle qui les a totalement saturés, dont
l'origine reste encore à déterminer avec plus de précision. Ces machines sont redondantes, au
nombre de 4, et réparties géographiquement entre plusieurs sites pour augmenter la performance,
la fiabilité et diluer les risques. Ils ont néanmoins tous été impactés en même temps.